سورس AutoComplete for ComboBox به زبان ویژوال بیسیک 6
- تاریخ :
- دسته بندی : آموزشگاه / سورس ویژوال بیسیک 6
- بـازدید : 2043
- نظـرات : 0
- نـویسنده : مدیریت
سورس AutoComplete for ComboBox به زبان ویژوال بیسیک 6
Private miSelStart As Integer
Private Sub Combo1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = 46 Then KeyCode = 0 'Disable the delete key
miSelStart = Combo1.SelStart
End Sub
Private Sub Combo1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Dim lCnt As Long 'Generic long counter
Dim lMax As Long
Dim sComboItem As String
Dim sComboText As String 'Text currently in combobox
Dim sText As String 'Text after keypressed
With Combo1
lMax = .ListCount - 1
sComboText = .TEXT
sText = Left(sComboText, miSelStart) & Chr(KeyAscii)
KeyAscii = 0 'Reset key pressed
For lCnt = 0 To lMax
sComboItem = .List(lCnt)
If UCase(sText) = UCase(Left(sComboItem, _
Len(sText))) Then
.ListIndex = lCnt
.TEXT = sComboItem
.SelStart = Len(sText)
.SelLength = Len(sComboItem) - (Len(sText))
Exit For
End If
Next 'lCnt
End With
End Sub